Well, it’s nearly spring. In many parts of the country, some people are just starting to see nicer weather (although it’s been pretty mild here in Texas). Most of us will be giving our homes a deep cleaning this time of here. Here are a few tips from personal experience that might help.
Rockin Blog
5 Simple Eco-Friendly Lifestyle Changes
We should be green all throughout the year, but March is a good time to start or make some more changes to improve the environment. After all, it’s spring! Here are some simple ways you can go eco-friendly and start living green.
How to Keep a House with Pets Clean
To many of us, our beloved pets are like members of the family. They play outside with us, travel with us, and spend evenings on the couch. We couldn’t imagine living without a faithful friend. But keeping a home with a pet isn’t always easy, especially if you have a big animal.
6 Tips to Keep Your Carpet Looking New
If you’re like most families, you have a few carpeted rooms in your home – usually the bedrooms and a living room. Carpet makes your home more comfortable, but it can also be a hassle some times. Here are some tips to keeping your carpet looking new.
Are there good and bad fillers? Yep! In many cases, fillers are cheap and bulky agents mixed into many commercial detergents. They can corrode your washer and dryer, wreak havoc on your septic system and even cause allergic reactions to your family.
Undoubtedly we’ve all spilled a little gas at the pump. Gasoline spills are some of the toughest to remove and since we’ve received numerous requests from our fans about getting gas out of their clothes, we’ve put together some tips.
Now that the holidays are behind us, you’ve probably noticed that you have a lot of new stuff. If you have kids, the problem is compounded. So, in addition to having all the usual holiday decorations and materials in your home, you also now have many new gifts.
Why Do Overnight Cloth Diapers Stink?
5 New Year’s Resolutions for the Home
If you haven’t made your New Year’s resolutions yet, there’s still time! Resolutions are a fun way to better ourselves and make our lives a little easier. Here are a few resolutions you could make this year to improve your home.
Quick Cleaning Tips for Last Minute Visitors
Everyone has experienced a time when they suddenly receive news of guests arriving in the next half hour, or a neighbor asking to stop by for a visit. Sometimes you just want to spend just 10 minutes cleaning up so the house can look tidy but not the entire afternoon.