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6 Easy House Chores for Younger Kids

One of the best qualities to instill in your children at a young age is responsibility. Assigning chores to your child is one of many great ways you can begin to teach them this much-needed discipline. The great part about these various house chores is that, even at a young age, your child should have no problem with them. Try these easy house chores for your young kid:

1. Put Away Toys 

Since this is a young child we’re talking about, it’s likely that they have plenty of toys all around the house that need to be cleaned up. Teach your child that toys can’t be left out all the time, and that there is a designated spot for them all when not in use. This chore simply involves having your kids collect their toys and place them in a specific bin or cabinet.

2. Set Table 

Setting a place at the dinner table is another task your little one is certainly capable of handling (minus the knives, perhaps). Not only is your child learning responsibility with this chore, but they’re also developing proper manners for how to set a proper place setting at the table.

3. Fold Laundry

The next chore to teach your child is the dreaded task of folding laundry and putting it away. This is a chore that they will undoubtedly be faced with the rest of their life, so it’s good that they get started early on. Teach your child the proper way to fold various articles of clothing so they don’t end up with creases and wrinkles. Want to take it a step further? Have your kids help sort clothing, pour detergent, and even load the washing machine.

4. Clean Floors 

Cleaning the floor has become a lot easier in this day and age with all the new tools like vacuums and Swiffer sweepers. Your child should be more than capable of handling the task of cleaning the floor of the kitchen or dining room. You should be there to help so they don’t get too bored, however!

5. Unload Dishwasher

The chore of unloading a dishwater is a great one for both child and parent to do together. Since younger kids are usually too short to reach the higher cupboards and cabinets, it’s a two-man job. Ask your child to grab each dish, plate, and cup from the dishwasher and sort them out on the counter. From there, you can easily put them away in order.

6. Trash 

As long as you don’t live in a place where the trash has to be walked far away to be discarded, your child can handle this chore. From time to time, your child should learn to bring the trash bag or can to the curb. This is just another chore that they’ll eventually be doing on their own when they get older, so why not learn now!

Written by Kim Webb, CEO and Founder of Rockin’ Green Soap

Finally it’s cool to be GREEN! Rockin’ Green is made for families that care about taking care of themselves and the Earth. As a mom Kim was fed up with the empty promises of “green” cleaning products that were not delivering what they promised… So she invented Rockin’ Green! We can all do our part for the environment while doing something good for ourselves. All of our organic cleaning products are biodegradable, and gluten and vegan friendly. They don’t contain phosphates, SLS, Parabens, or optical brighteners. All of our packaging is made from recycled materials.

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