Welcome Birth Hour Listeners!
We are so excited to be a part of such a wonderful and inspiring PodCast! Just as Bryn and Kelly have enjoyed their experiences with Rockin' Green, we are overjoyed to offer you an amazing discount so you can try us out!
Don't forget to use code: BIRTHHOUR at checkout to receive 40% off of your first purchase!
Too busy chasing little ones around the house to browse? Here are our best-sellers, mentioned on The Birth Hour:
Athletic Wear Detergent. This one is Bryn's go-to. Perfect for stinky work out clothes or long lasting funk you just can't get rid of.
Funk Rock Ammonia Bouncer. Your best and strongest line of defense against cloth diaper ammonia buildup.
Classic Rock Unscented Laundry Detergent. Our best-selling formula for those with regular or soft water.
Hard Rock Unscented Laundry Detergent. Same stank-fighting, plant-based formula with a little more oomph for those with hard water.