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Ways for Moms to Be Organized

Moms may quite possibly be the busiest individuals in this world. Not only do they deal with the normal day-to-day tasks of a full workday, tons of bills and expenses, and other personal activities, but they also have kids to take care of. Having children to care for is almost a full-time job in itself!

Due to all of these different priorities, moms need to stay organized in order to ensure success during the day and maintaining good-mom status at home. We have some tips to help you keep organized during the week:

1. Time Management

Organization doesn’t just apply to your physical belongings like paperwork; organizing the intangible commodity of time is just as important!

Managing your time wisely is crucial to staying organized and keeping your daily duties in order. Make sure you can map out your entire day by planning what needs to get done, and how much time you have to do it.

Don’t forget – this doesn’t mean all work and no play either! You should always be sure to save time throughout the week for your own personal time to make sure the job and kids don’t stress you out too much.

2. De-clutter

If you find yourself looking for a single item or piece of paper for 15 minutes every time you need something, it’s probably time to start de-cluttering your house. The biggest issue with this organization burden is that busy moms may feel too overwhelmed by the chaos of a room to even know where to start.

Rather than feeling as if you need to expend your entire day cleaning up the house, try breaking it up into separate rooms or areas for each day of the week. Set aside 30 to 60 minutes a day to organize one single area, and by the time you reach the end of the week, the house is looking good as new!

3. Color-Coding

Using color-coding as an organization method isn’t just to make things look prettier. We’ve all separated certain paperwork or folders with different colors before, but using these unique shades are great when organizing your children’s belongings too.

Buying different color towels, lunchboxes, toothbrushes, etc. are great to keep your kids organized, which will correlate to the rest of your house. You can also mark certain toys and belongings of your kids with colored labels so they know whose responsibility it is to put away when it’s time to clean up.

For some extra tips on keeping your kids' spaces organized, check out Rockin' Green's solutions to kid messes!

Guest Blog by Alicia Overby – Founder & President of Baby Elephant Ears

Alicia is wife, mother, and creator of Baby Elephant Ears. Baby Elephant Ears was created out of parental concern, not financial desire. In 2005, when their second child was an infant, he cried all the time and just couldn’t seem to get comfortable.

After seeking advice and suggestion from the medical community and alternative medicine, they eventually ended up in the chiropractors office where their baby was successfully treated for asubluxation, discomfort most likely the result of the strain during labor, which was now being exacerbated by the normal lack of infant neck strength. Only proper neck, head, and back alignment would offer him relief. When they couldn’t find a product to give their baby the necessary support, Alicia took matters into her own hands and crafted her own infant support pillow. The first Baby Elephant Ears was born!

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