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5 Habits to Keeping Clean and Organized at Work

It’s no secret a clean and organized environment is more aesthetically pleasing than a messy one, but fewer people are aware of how much a clean space affects our mind. When our external world is bogged down by clutter, our minds can feel equally out of whack without us even knowing. This is exactly why disarray doesn’t fly in the workplace.

Whether you are up to your neck in unsorted emails or your Rolodex of business cards is bursting at the seams, all these small messes collectively lead up to one unorganized work environment that can dramatically hinder your productivity. Here are some tips you should turn into habits!

1. 15 Minutes – Tidy Up and Organize Your Desk

If you work as hard as we do, you know how much can be done in just 15 minutes. I challenge you to dedicate just 15 minutes in the beginning of your day to getting organized.  When your workspace feels like a black hole of papers and endless tasks it can feel impossible to be truly productive. Take this time to address those business cards and documents lying across your desk and file them away accordingly.

2. 10 Minutes – Create a To-Do List

This may sound like the oldest trick in the book because it is. But this tried and true method only works when you respect it and take your self-set deadlines seriously. Creating a to-do list that breaks down how much time you want to spend on each task down to the minute will set a sense of urgency for completing your tasks. Go digital and utilize your e-mail’s calendar function when creating a to-do list so you can become accustom to alerts and reminded about deadlines. Life happens, so be realistic when making your daily work schedule. Allot 5-10 minute overlaps between each activity in the event that something takes longer than you anticipated.

3. 5 Minute – Wipe Down

Whether or not you are the messy type, having a clean place to work out of can make a huge difference in your frame of mind. Take just 5 measly minutes to address the dust on surfaces around, the grease on your keyboard and the garbage from the lunch you haven’t thrown out. Using eco-friendly cleaning products are less likely to aggravate your senses. Opt for products with scents that are soothing rather than loaded with bleach. This small change in your cleaning regimen can give you a huge pick-me-up in the workplace.

4. Practice Switch Tasking Instead of Multitasking

Let go of the idea that you can do 3 things at once. You can’t. No one can. Focus on one task at a time. This will ensure better quality of your work and more completed projects than started projects.

5. Take a Lunch Champ

When you reach a certain point in your career where passion flows, and the workload seems relentless, it’s easy to forget to take a lunch. Sometimes it even seems counterproductive. Your mind still needs that break.  Be sure to schedule at least 30 minutes away from your computer to decompress. The “Lunch Break” excuse is one of the few excuses most Americans still accept and respect when you’re away from your desk.

Show us pictures of your clean work environment on Instagram @rockingreensoap with the hashtag #rockingreen.

Written by Kim Webb, CEO and Founder of Rockin’ Green Soap

Finally it’s cool to be GREEN! Rockin’ Green is made for families that care about taking care of themselves and the Earth. As a mom Kim was fed up with the empty promises of “green” cleaning products that were not delivering what they promised… So she invented Rockin’ Green! We can all do our part for the environment while doing something good for ourselves. All of our organic cleaning products are biodegradable, and gluten and vegan friendly. They don’t contain phosphates, SLS, Parabens, or optical brighteners. All of our packaging is made from recycled materials.

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